Confined Space Safety Awareness

Confined Spaces Safety Awareness


A Confined space is any area that is not intended for human occupancy, has limited access or has the potential to contain a toxic or oxygen deficient atmosphere. Training is necessary for supervisors, stand-by-person, and workers entering confined spaces as per the Ontario Regulation (O. Reg. 632/05) set forth by the Ministry of Labour (MOL) covered by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this safety awareness training session participants will:

  • Be able to define the term confined space and list several different examples of confined spaces in the workplace
  • Be aware of the dangers associated with confined spaces
  • Be able to state the main administrative control mechanisms used to protect people who are entering and working in confined spaces
  • Be familiar with the Confined Space Entry Requirements for their particular work environment
  • Be able to state the four generic groupings of the reasons why accidents occur in confined spaces
  • Be aware of a range of control measures that can be introduced to minimize or eliminate the risk of injury while entering or working in confined spaces


  • Training Manual
  • Combination of multiple choice and true/false testing
  • A certificate of completion and a wallet size card

Cost: $59.00

Please complete the form below to request / arrange a training date for you or your group.


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